Exceptionally high uniformities and tight repeatabilities have been achieved for dielectric films on KDF 900 series sputtering tools using a proprietary ERPP™ (enhanced rotating planetary pallet) in conjunction with the tool's standard linear scanning mode. We have developed reactive and non-reactive processes for materials such as SiO2, Si3N4, TiO2 and Al2O3, with uniformities better than +/- 1% over the pallet and repeatabilities of better than +/-0.5% from pallet to pallet. This performance enables us to provide production processes for multilayer dielectric mirrors and filters to the optoelectronics and display industry, as well as high quality silicon nitride passivation layers and antireflective coatings for compound semiconductors and solar cells. Specific reactive and non-reactive processes are discussed in depth. Additionally, a new system capability that allows the scan velocity to be programmed flexibly is discussed with respect to its potential for further uniformity improvement.
(Ref: Vacuum Technology and Coating, December 2002).
Related Article:
Highly uniform dielectric films using a combined linear scanning, velocity profiling and planetary rotating motion
By S. Gupta, A. Ruspini and M. Fregeau, KDF Electronics and Vacuum Services
December 2002, Vacuum Technology & Coating article