Original OEM Parts
There are three major categories for parts:
- Consumables
- Replacement Parts
- Electrical
Upgrades the Windows 7 based control computer to Windows 10 based control computer.
KDF has parts available for these models:
- Limited MRC
- 8667, 8671, 822
- KDF 900 Series
- KDF 700 Series
- KDF 600 Series
- KDF 800 Series
Shields, o-rings, bearings, heat lamps, magnets (for all cathode types), pallets (custom or standard), ion tubes and TC’s.
Replacement Parts
Cathodes INSET™ – Upsilon, Mu, Chi, and Focest cathodes*. Also Planar, Mark II, Magterial™, “X-series”™, & Q-Set. Bellows, garlock seals, feed throughs (ferro fluidic), pallet carriers, shutter carriages and plates, RF networks, solenoids, relays, cryo pumps, compressors grippers, gate valves, hydraulic – pumps, manifolds, valves and cylinders, air packages, grippers, valves, etch platforms, etch hoist assemblies, stainless steel roughing lines and view ports.
* These patented cathodes are sole property of KDF. KDF owns all rights and intellectual property associated with these cathodes.
Printed circuit boards, RF generators, flow control valves, gas flow controllers, power supplies (RF and DC), computer boards and I/O cards, analog racks and pressure gauges.