The Kurt J. Lesker Company PVD-BATCH DRUM SERIES consists of two standard sizes (PVD 200 AND PVD 500), which can be configured in either a horizontal or vertical configuration. A horizontal configuration is preferred where particulate is a major concern. Both horizontal and vertical configurations are available with dual axis rotation for 3D coatings. Throughput, measured by deposition area per run, can range from a few hundred square inches to over 2000 square inches, and larger custom systems are also available.

PVD 200 Drum Coater
Horizontal Or Vertical Drum (Horizontal Shown)
PVD 500 Drum Coater
Horizontal Or Vertical Drum (Vertical Shown)
PVD 200 Drum Coater
PVD 500 Drum Coater
Horizontal or Vertical
Horizontal or Vertical
Deposition Zone
Up To 300 sq/in Of Deposition Area
(Overall Drum = 9″ OD x 15″ LG)
Up To 1,440 sq/in Of Deposition Area
(Overall Drum = 30.5″ OD x ≈21″ LG)
Substrate Manipulation
Heating, Cooling, Bias, Removable Panels
Single and Dual Axis Rotation For 3D Components
Ion Etch Option
Heating, Cooling, Bias, Removable Panels
Single and Dual Axis Rotation For 3D Components
Ion Etch Option
Source Capacity
Up to (4) Sides Available for Linear Cathodes or a Linear Ion Source
Up to (7) Sides Available for Linear Cathodes or a Linear Ion Source
Power Supplies
DC, PDC, RF, MF and HIPPIMS Power Supplies
DC, PDC, RF, MF and HIPPIMS Power Supplies
Source Accessibility
Easy Access to Sputter Sources Through Drop-down/Hinged Doors
Easy Access to Sputter Sources Through Drop-down/Hinged Doors
PVD 200 Drum in a vertical orientation, showing the drop-down/hinged doors and customized cathodes in opposite side.
PVD 500 Drum in a vertical orientation, showing a Si 3-piece target during installation.